Tanner Boser talks cringe dudes looking for vape pits, possibly competing against Frank Mir in ACB, Danger Cats, and more!

This BTB episode saw the return of top Canadian Heavyweight/ one of ACB’s top contenders, Tanner Boser.   On Bowks Talking Bouts #97, Tanner finds it odd that he’s ranked at #2 in ACB, the assessment of Tanner’s performance in beating Chase Gormley at ACB 88 (2:46), his desire to re-sign with ACB and what…

Caustic discusses being the last minute king in battle rap, being heavy into DragonBall Z gaming, and being immortalized in the Marvel Universe

I caught up with battle rapper/ career killer Caustic on this BTB episode (Bowks Talking Bouts #95).   We discussed the first time Caustic was exposed to battle rap, his goals to release an album this year (2:17), his recent efforts in standup comedy and with commentating fighting games (3:08), being offered a URL battle…

Liberty Music: Sarah McQuaid

I had a great talk with Sarah McQuaid on this LM installment. We talked about early communal spaces for music fans in her area, sketching the art for her latest record If We Dig Any Deeper It Could Get Dangerous, the pros and cons of the modern system for musicians getting their material out there,…