Northern Alberta Trappers Association President: “We’re the Species At-Risk Now”

Liberty Multimedia press release: February 7, 2018 Communities in northern Alberta are continuing to unite over fears for their future. Government of Alberta’s incoming caribou range management plans are proposing to convert 1.6 million hectares of the region’s land base into protected parks, part of a broader federal plan under the Species At-Risk Act to…

The Maskell Sessions Ep 241: With Marcone and Dave

Marcone joins me on The Maskell Sessions as our friend and former professor; Dave calls in to the show! We discuss topics including the Ontario college teachers strike, academic freedom, new media trends, podcasts, inspiring young people, apps, monetization, live shows, our La Crete Sawmills video, being entrepreneurial, news coverage, sexual misconduct in Hollywood, going on the record…

Minister Phillips speaks with Liberty Multimedia on caribou plan during northern visit

By: Matthew Marcone and Jordan Maskell Alberta’s Minister of Environment and Parks Shannon Phillips met with Liberty Multimedia during her recent visit to northern Alberta, where she addressed the province’s incoming caribou range management draft plan. The plan has been a major topic of discussion in northwest Alberta, in particular fears surrounding its potential to eliminate…