Liberty Music: Raquel Bell

It was great speaking with Raquel Bell for this installment of Liberty Music. We discussed the multiplicity to Raquel’s music mindset as it pertains to pairing mediums (ie/ adding video to a song, having a video you apply music to, etc)……Whether or not her work as a dancer informs her efforts in music, the sonic change…

Three Causes of Procrastination & How To Cure Them: Why Do I Procrastinate?

    These three causes of procrastination have been a lifelong struggle that I’ve only recently learned to overcome. To begin, let’s first answer an important question, “Why do I procrastinate?”      The first type of procrastination involves people who struggle making decisions or taking responsibility for their actions. By learning to accept more responsibility over time,…

Paddle Prairie Metis Settlement Goes Solar

Paddle Prairie’s Solar Energy Assistant Morgan Calliou tells the story behind the Settlement’s Climate Leadership Plan, which has seen the installation of one-20kW and three-8.7kW grid-tie solar systems at the Settlement Arena, Day Care, Youth Centre and Library, as well as an additional 60kW at the local Water Treatment Plant. Paddle’s Climate Leadership Plan has…

Liberty Music: Karen Haglof

Great talk with Karen here and LMM’s Dylan Bowker got a lot of great insights on Haglof’s music efforts. We talked about Karen’s recent recordings and the timeline for when her next full length will drop, the differences between operating under her own name as opposed to making music during her time in Band of…

Liberty Music: Robert Poss ft. Dylan Bowker

I spoke with Robert Poss ahead of the release of his album, Frozen Flowers Curse The Day.   We discussed writing music for modern dance companies, his prior efforts with Band of Susans, soundtrack efforts in composing for film and television, his methodology for field recordings, providing music for BBC /PBS /Discovery Channel/ National Geographic projects, providing…